Weigt Lost


...HOLD UP!!
     Although this is my first-ever blog post, I'm no stranger to the weight-loss scene.  I've struggled with my weight since I was a child, and have tried every diet and method I could think of to try to lose.  Yes, I was successful but the weight came right back on (plus some) every time I quit.  Even with Weight Watchers.  I've started and stopped so many times I've lost count.  The first time I began WW my mom and I joined together and I did great, losing about 23 pounds.  Then I lost momentum, had a skiing accident that led to knee surgery and months of being couch-bound, and I let all the weight I'd lost plus another 20 pounds come right back on.   That was 3 years ago.  Can't blame the surgery and knee problems anymore! Even getting married last year wasn't a huge incentive.  Don't get me wrong, I wanted to look and feel beautiful for my husband on my wedding day, and I did, but he has always made me feel beautiful no matter what size I was and I've never questioned him loving me for me. 
    So, here I am.  I just joined WW Online yeserday and tracked all my food.  I went 9 points over, but hey - that's what those weekly points are for, right?! LOL.  Plus, I didn't eat HALF as much as I normally would, so I was happy.  I'm trying to get the hang of counting points again and learning the new Points Plus system.  My strategy this time is SLOW AND STEADY.  One day (and even hour) at a time.  I always begin all gung-ho, excited and get really strict on myself.  Then the first time I mess up, I quit.  Not this time.  I've put a lot of thought and prayer into it, and I'm determined not to give up.  Not to get discouraged when I go over points, have a bad day, don't lose as much weight as I think I should've or don't see any physical changes as quickly as I had hoped.  Even with this blog.  I'm hoping it'll help me stay commited, but I could see myself "running out of things to say" and quitting.  I don't see myself as literally creative at all, so some posts might end up saying: "Had a bad day.  That's all." :-)  I'm just gonna try to stay honest and transparent.  I had no idea blogs could be so time consuming, so it'll alway be a work in progress, just like me.     
     Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come back often to visit!  


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